Watering days in Perth are determined by the water corporation, and are linked to your house number. See list below..

Perth watering days
The annual winter watering ban officially ends on August the 31st, and resumes on May the 31st. During the Spring and Summer months it's important to make sure your system is set up to run on the correct days, and for the correct amount of time.
Below is the list of watering days for Perth Metro.
Water corp also state that your irrigation system must not be run before 6pm, or after 9am.
Watering times may vary depending on a number of factors surrounding your reticulation system. Your target and maximum allowance is 10mm of precipitated water per watering day per station. The time required to disperse this amount varies depending on the type of sprinklerheads your system has, but below is the general guidance given by the Water Coporation.

Pop-up/fixed spray standard reticulation heads
Typical watering rates (per hour): 35–45mm
Recommended run times for 10mm (standard drink): 13–16 minutes
Recommended reduced running times: 10 minutes
Rotary type - ie MP Rotator
Typical watering rates (per hour): 10–15mm
Recommended run times for 10mm (standard drink): 40–60 minutes
Recommended reduced running times: 30–40 minutes
Gear driven sprinkler heads
Typical watering rates (per hour): 10–20mm
Recommended run times for 10mm (standard drink): 30–40 minutes
Recommended reduced running times: 25–30 minutes
Driplines and drip irrigation
Typical watering rates (per hour): 15–20mm
Recommended run times for 10mm (standard drink): 30–40 minutes
Recommended reduced running times: 20–30 minutes
Programming your retic controller is easier than you might think, and if you need a manual to help you, a list of all available manuals to suit most Australian irrigation controllers can be found here https://www.thewatershed.biz/downloads/
Alternatively - if you would like some help or advice on programming your controller, or you would like us to help determine the best watering times and patterns for your landscaping needs, please feel free to contact Purely Irrigation.